Miscellaneous collection of videos on internet
Made in Aberdeen
Short film as part of the 'Made In Aberdeen' 2014 film series, showcasing the wealth of creative talent working in Aberdeen city
Aberdeen Soundsites
An introduction to my Aberdeen soundsites sound map of Aberdeen
Entrevista a Pete Stollery - Compositor
Interview by the Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Part 1
Ubicando el Sonido (Placing Sound ) - From Aberdeen
Introduction to and performance of my piece From Aberdeen, to Hamlets in the Argentine, for alto saxophone and fixed media, performed in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by Luis Conde
Ubicando el Sonido (Placing Sound ) - Three Cities
Ubicando el Sonido (Placing Sound) - scènes, rendez-vous
Introduction to and performance of my piece scènes, rendez-vous, performed in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Granite Sound
Short film featuring images and sounds from Granite Sound, commissioned by National Theatre Scotland
Sound Festival
Interview at soundfestival 2014 with Klaudia, Glen and Callum from shmu's Youth Media Team
Banff Coast Festival
Project working with Banff Day Services, Community Learning & Development, Aberdeenshire Country Ranger Service and Scottish Natural Heritage to investigate the beach and sound, through creation of soundscapes and a sound map
Hindustan Times - COVID-19 Sound Map
Interview about the COVID-19 Sound Map
Fairfax City Music - interview with Claudio Bustamente
Interview about my music with Claudio Bustamente of Fairfax Music
Exploring Wonderland with Pete Stollery
Short presentation about Aberdeen SoundPark which featured as part of the Wonderland Festival, Aberdeen
Pete Stollery and Sohrab Uduman in conversation
A short conversation, created for NoiseFloor UK 2021, held on 10 - 12 May at Staffordshire University, UK
Entrevista a Pete Stollery - Compositor
Part 2
Introduction to and performance of my piece Three Cities, performed in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Cusp Magazine - COVID-19 Sound Map
Interview about the COVID-19 Sound Map